Wednesday 11 July 2007

A Momentus Day...

Oh yes. Believe it people. What you see below are the very first potatoes ever grown in my garden.

I really didn't expect these to be ready as they hadn't flowered yet but were supposed to be earlies. But they were starting to smother my broccoli overflow area (!) so I thought I would dig them up and see, if the spuds were tiny I reckoned they'd still be tasty.

Only I got a bucket-full from about six plants! I did a little dance in the garden and immediately called my mum to celebrate. I will be eating them for dinner - way-hey!

Elsewhere in the garden things are still going well, apart from a cucumber plant which has died. I'm ashamed to say that it was totally my fault - I was transferring it to a bigger pot when I snapped the stem in two. Oh dear. I tried to bandage it (feel free to laugh!) but it Withered and Died to quote Kate Rusby. So now I only have three left, but never mind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that we have nominated you for a Blogging For Positive Global Change Award for your site which can only help to reduce food miles. Check topveg post for more information. Regards.