Wednesday 23 May 2007

Endless sowing (of seeds)

I am unbelievably stupid. Was about to get on the train today when I get a phonecall from my man D to let me know that I have his keys for the house and the car he has borrowed for the week. And my response?... 'Can you drive to the station and pick them up?' Perhaps one of the most illogical things I have ever come out with.

As a result I had two extra hours this morning until the next train and so two hours in the greenhouse (every cloud and all that...) Managed to sow some more beetroot and the first swedes as well as some Jack O' Lantern pumpkins. And finally take some photos. So here they are.

And the strawberry cage is still there. I am doing a little dance!

From left: blueberry flowers, some orange seeds I spat out in a pot, cucumber babies and the first strawberries


Anonymous said...

Hi Saz

I love your colour scheme - and the photos. I will enjoy keeping track of what goes on over the border.

Good luck

mumthegreat said...

Hi Saz..I love the photos. You obviously have inherited green fingers....was that from your Mum or your Dad??