Thursday 24 May 2007

Dead Potato

Oh dear.

I was planting out my brussel spout and kale plants last night and noticed that a random single potato had withered and died.

What does this mean? Has a mischievous cat chosen to do its business right on top? Was the potato plant protesting that I had planted them all too close together? Or is this the dreaded blight?

Well I dug it up and the tuber was totally rotten and soggy - it was gross so no picture. A frantic check through potato problems in 'The New Vegetable and Herb Expert' (thanks Dad) brought me to the conclusion that Dr. D. G. Hessayon hadn't come across this before either.

So...anyone any ideas? Dad?!

And so I carried on and planted out my brussel sprouts and curly kale.

The garden is starting to fill up finally. Tonight its the turn of the courgettes and squashes so I'd better be off and get busy. And the housework is beckoning too. Oh dear.


Anonymous said...

Hello Butternut

The mystery 'dead' potato happens to me most years, too. I have one this year. A maincrop spud that came up fine... then withered and died. Haven't the foggiest why. But isn't it bloody infuriating??

Saz said...

Totally! But at least it leaves a bit more space in the row cos my dad told me that I've planted them too close together. Thanks soilman!